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Bronze membership
279,99ZARPerfect if you looking to test the quality of signalsValable 1 semaine- Unlimited daily signals and results
- Populaire
Silver membership
489,99ZARperfect if you looking for more signals...for lessValable 2 semaines- unlimited signals for 2 weeks
Premium membership
899,99ZARFantastic for those looking to commit to daily profits.Valable 2 mois- unlimited signals for 2 month
3 lesson plan
699,99ZARA beginners course in understanding the marketsÂ- 3 Custom, inexpensive lessons
6 lesson plan
1 199,99ZARIntermediary courseÂ- 6 custom lessons, inexpensive lessons built for beginners
2 999,99ZARAll inclusive packageÂ- Platinum VIP membership
- 10 lesson package
- free consultation after class
10 lesson plan
1 999,99ZARAdvanced courseÂ- Inexpensive plan designed for traders that want to go pro
1 lesson plan
199,99ZARFor those wanting to see the hype about Lungu FXÂ- Testing lesson
Trader +
899,99ZARExclusive contentÂ- Access to our market breakdown and more
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